Overview of health

There is high prevalence of communicable diseases, including malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and diarrhoea, as well as a rising incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes mellitus and sickle cell diseases.

Healthcare is variable throughout Ghana. Urban centers are well served, and are where most hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies in the country can be found.

Rural areas often have no modern healthcare services. Patients in these areas either rely on traditional African medicine or travel great distances for healthcare. Most healthcare is provided by the government and is largely administered by the Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Services. The healthcare system has five levels of providers: health posts, health centers and clinics, district hospitals, regional hospitals and tertiary hospitals. Health posts are the first level of primary care for rural areas.

Map of Africa highlighting Ghana


Rotary Family Health Days was launched in Ghana in 2014 and has since built a sustainable relationship with the Ghana Health Services, the government health ministry that helps Rotary club members with the planning and logistics of Rotary Family Health Days. It also participates at all the sites. The Ghana Rotary Family Health Days aligns with the government’s current health programs and enjoys the support of USAID and many NGOs.

Map of Africa highlighting Ghana

Rotary Family
Health Days Sites

The program has grown constantly and now serves almost 63,000 clients every year. Rotary Family Health Days has full backing of Rotary leaders in Ghana, as well as all the Rotary and Rotaract clubs. Global Grants from The Rotary Foundation have helped fund the program. 

Click on the report below to learn more about the Health Days that were held in Ghana.

Lines of people waiting"/>

In 2018, Rotary Family Health Days delivered 203,600 healthcare services to 62,683 people, while in its launch year (2014), just 86,123 services were delivered to 23,100 people.


The exponential growth of Rotary Family Health Days in Ghana is evident when the 2018 figures are compared to those of 2014.

Rotary club members travel to a site
Rotary club members travel to a site

In 2018, Rotary Family Health Days delivered 203,600 healthcare services to 62,683 people, while in its launch year (2014), just 86,123 services were delivered to 23,100 people.

Registration card for 1000th child

50 underserved communities in eight regions were selected as beneficiaries in 2018. Rotary members from 47 Rotary clubs hosted sites in these 50 communities

Registration card for 1000th child
Registration card for 1000th child


We could not be happier to support Rotary Family Health Days for the third year in a row. The U.S. government has a proud history of partnering with Rotary International in Ghana. Our partnerships have touched thousands of lives

- Melinda Tabler-Stone, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, Accra, Ghana

Country Report

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Country Program and M&E Reports

As a result of movement and gathering restrictions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, our 2020 campaign was unable to take place.

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