Overview of health

The Kingdom of Lesotho is a land-locked country, which is surrounded by South Africa. The extensive network of rivers and mountain ranges that crisscross the country make it difficult for many people to access healthcare.

Cardio-vascular diseases account for 14% of total deaths across all age groups, while cancer, diabetes, and respiratory diseases account for 9%. The remaining 77% of deaths are a result of communicable diseases, accidents, and trauma.

More than a third of children are stunted and show signs of serious malnutrition and 51% of the population is anemic. The HIV prevalence rate is approximately 23% in people between the ages of 15 to 49 years.

A map showing where Lesotho is


Rotary Family Health Days was launched in Lesotho in 2019 and three sites provided a set of core services to the citizens of the Mountain Kingdom.

His Majesty King Letsie III, who is the patron of Rotary in Lesotho, provided unwavering support through his government, through the Ministry of Health.


A map showing where Lesotho is

Rotary Family
Health Days Sites

The Rotary Club of Ficksburg, from neighboring South Africa, partnered with the two clubs in Lesotho, the Rotary Clubs of Maloti and Maseru, as well as Rotaractors from Lesotho to run the program. Members of another South African Rotary club, the Rotary Club of Ladybrand, also volunteered at the three sites. 

Click on the report below to learn more about the Health Days that were held in Lesotho.

Celebrating taking health to the people"/>

Rotary Family Health Days provided 6,887 free health services to 1,696 people; an average of 4.06 healthcare services was delivered to each person who visited a site. The program also included screening for three types of cancer, cervical (VIA only); breast, and prostate. Where necessary, people received referrals for further diagnosis and treatment.


A team of 250 community volunteers manned the sites. The two clubs in Lesotho, the Rotary Clubs of Maloti and Maseru, partnered with their Rotaractors and the Rotary Club of Ficksburg (South Africa) to run the program. Rotary members from the Rotary Club of Ladybrand (South Africa) also volunteered at the three sites.

A person is screened at RFHD Lesotho
A person is screened at RFHD Lesotho

Rotary Family Health Days provided 6,887 free health services to 1,696 people; an average of 4.06 healthcare services was delivered to each person who visited a site. The program also included screening for three types of cancer, cervical (VIA only); breast, and prostate. Where necessary, people received referrals for further diagnosis and treatment.

Services in great demand

Blood tests for prostate cancer were offered, and of the 68 blood samples taken, three showed signs of presence of the cancer. One of the people has sadly sinced died and at the last report, the other two were still receiving treatment.

Services in great demand
Services in great demand


The Rotary Family Health Days Project – Lesotho 2019 has pioneered the extension of the Rotary Family Health Days beyond the South African borders further into the southern tip of Africa. Financial support for the activity in Lesotho came primarily from AIDS Health Foundation (AHF) International, The Headquarters of the Centre for Disease control (CDC) and the USAID - through the Local Chapters and Implementing partners in Lesotho. Likewise, the local country AHF Office pulled all plugs to support and provide their services. Foremost, was the unwavering accommodation and support of the Highest Office in the Country, His Majesty King Letsie III, His Government, through the Ministry of Health in Lesotho to partner with Rotary and Rotarians to provide this grand Service Above Self

- Maud B Boikanyo Ms, Local Project Coordinator

Country Report

Our comprehensive reporting ensures accurate impact assessment, sustainability and accountability. 

Rotary Family Health Days reporting: Lesotho

As a result of movement and gathering restrictions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, our 2020 campaign was unable to take place

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