Sue Paget, RFHA Inc CEO shares an overview of the pilot program in Zambia, the value of taking these health services to the people and what’s coming up. Read on for more insights.

After 3 years of our programs being interrupted due to Covid 19, we were delighted despite the pandemic, to be able to get funding to execute a pilot program in a new country. This augers well for things to come. 

Zambia, as a prominent SADC country, has long wanted to host a RFHD program. There are incredible health interventions happening in Zambia led by an energetic and dedicated team of Rotarians both at the leadership level and on the ground. What is exciting is that I think the RFHD program has enabled partners like the government, funders, Rotarians, media and the most importantly the community to see the value of taking services to the people in this massive preventive campaign where all come together to execute.  

Power of Partnerships

The power of partnerships is evident – We can do so much more when working together in unison to achieve our own agendas. On a practical note, thousands of people in Zambia were reached and had access to free health care screenings and testing. Where they needed additional medical referrals, the partnership ensured that they were linked to care. It was a successful pilot done in unusual circumstances with training done virtually but the foundations are set for a stronger and more successful RFHD program moving forward.

Goals for 2022

We know more than ever that our preventive screening, testing and referral to care RFHD program is needed!  We are seeing the light at the end of the Covid 19 tunnel and RFHA is working to grow its footprint through Africa together with our partners – both old and new.

Coming Up

Expansion into Africa and also South Asia, development of strategic partnerships and harnessing the excitement and willingness of Rotarians across Africa and indeed the Rotary world to become involved, are a few exciting things on our list currently. 


To read more about the Zambia program in detail, click here:


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